Ohio pastel artists league (opal)

About US

The Ohio Pastel Artists League (OPAL) was established in 2012 with the goal of providing a forum for pastel artists to share ideas and foster the growth of the use of the medium of soft pastels. The organization is run by volunteers who put together programs, workshops, and exhibitions to foster the growth of OPAL artists.

OPAL Officers

President:  Pam Hartford

1st Vice President: Nina Hawranick

2nd Vice President: Chris Hall

Recording Secretary: Lynn Carty

Corresponding Secretary: Open

Treasurer: Mary Bauer

Past President: Diane Ruck,2012- 2017

Contact an Officer

Committee Chairs:

Membership - Open

Show/Exhibition Support - Bob Sako

Meeting Programming - Diane Ruck

Refreshments - Cathy Stoessner

Workshops - Pertain Gillespie-Buckland

Website - Pam Hartford

OPAL; Ohio Pastel Artists League